TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Horseradish


TCM Nature: Warming

TCM Taste: Acrid, Spicy, Pungent

TCM Meridian Affinity: Lung, Spleen, Large Intestine


·       Strong diuretic traditionally used to treat kidney problems

·       Used externally as a poultice for treating rheumatic joints and chilblains.

·       Inhibits thyroid and restores pancreas (hyperthyroidism, goiter, chronic high or low blood sugar)

·       Strengthen Yang to treat chills and fevers

·       Treats Phlegms in Lungs

·       Warms and invigorates Lungs

·       Restrains infections and intestinal parasites


This herb is cultivated since antiquity by the Greeks and Egyptians. The Greek Oracle at Delphi told Apollo that the radish was worth its weight in lead, the beet its weight in silver and the horseradish its weight in gold. There is a mural in Pompeii depicting the plant. Root and leaves were used in The Middle Ages.

Grated horseradish root is sprinkled around the homes for protection in ancient times.