Acupuncture and TCM Before Covid Vaccine TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 11, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juncovid19, tcm, acupuncture, vaccination
What Mental Illnesses Actually Look Like? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 8, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, mental health, acupuncture, herbs, anxiety, depression
What are the Common Skin Diseases that TCM & Acupuncture Treat? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, TCM Aesthetics, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 2, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, skin, acupuncture, skin diseases, aesthetics, facial
TCM, Acupuncture and Mercury Retrograde TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCM, TCM and Science, Spirituality and ScienceXiang Jun LimSeptember 29, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, mercury retrograde, cleanse, detox, communication
Interesting TCM Fact 101: Complexity of TCM Pulse Taking TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 26, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, traditional chinese medicine, pulse taking, complexity
Ask Me Anything Series: Are TCM Practitioners Doctors? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 25, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm practitioner, tcm singapore, doctors
Depression and Acupuncture: A New Hope of Relief TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 22, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, tcm, depression, energy
Ask Me Anything Series: Can Acupuncture Give You Energy? Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimSeptember 20, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Junask me anything, acupuncture, energy
How does Acupuncture help with Fatigue? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 14, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Junfatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, tcm, acupuncture, science
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Fatigue TCM and Science, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimSeptember 14, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, science, chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue, acupuncture
Ask Me Anything Series: Are Acupuncture Needles Hollow? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 10, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, ask me anything, hollow, injections
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Loquat Basics of TCM, TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med)Xiang Jun LimSeptember 9, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, herbs, loquat, acupuncture
Why Acupuncture Works? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 6, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, physiological, mental, emotional
Ask Me Anything Series: Why Acupuncture is Painful or Hurts TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimSeptember 3, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, pain, ask me anything
Acupuncture after Covid Vaccine TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 30, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, vaccination, covid19
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Apricot TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 25, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Junherbs, tcm, apricot
5 Vegetables to Avoid for Better Sleep in TCM TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 8, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, sleep, herbs, vegetables
Traditional Chinese Medicine Homemade Herbal Tea Recipes for Natural Immunity Boost TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 8, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, immunity, covid19, teas, herbal teas, sleep
Five Elements Personality Test with TCM - Understanding and Managing Work Relationships & Friendships TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCM, Bazi FengshuiXiang Jun LimAugust 8, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, bazi, fengshui, personality, relationships, friendships
Acupressure Self-Massage for Prevention of Work From Home Occupational Ailments TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 8, 2021Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, self massage, acupressure, work from home