Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Acne Scars TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimApril 9, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, science, acne scars, acne
Ask Dr Xiang Jun: What to Eat When You Have Diarrhea TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCM, TCM and ScienceXiang Jun LimMarch 24, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, traditional chinese medicine, porridge, congee, banana, charcoal, diarrhoea, diarrhea
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Banana TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimMarch 24, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, banana
Acupoint Medicine - Tian Tu TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimMarch 21, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, acupoint, tian tu
Women's Health Series: How Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture treat Endometriosis TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCM, TCM SexologyXiang Jun LimMarch 13, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, western medicine, hormonal imbalance, infertility, science, gene, cells, molecules, women's health, hormones, endometriosis, career woman
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Constipation TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimFebruary 28, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, science, constipation
What Foods to take for Good Luck during Chinese New Year TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimFebruary 12, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Jungood luck, foods, Chinese New Year, ancient, symbolism
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Olives TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimFebruary 6, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, olives
Acupoint Medicine - Hou Xi TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimJanuary 15, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, acupoint, hou xi
TCM Basics 101: Heaty and Cooling Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimJanuary 11, 2024Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, healing, tcm, difference, heatiness, cooling
TCM Basics 101: What is the Difference between Dampness and Phlegm Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimDecember 28, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, healing, tcm, meditation, digestion, phlegm, dampness, difference
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Black Beans TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimDecember 24, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, black beans
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Black Fungus TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimDecember 7, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, black fungus
Acupoint Medicine - Jian Zhen TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 27, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, acupoint, jian zhen
TCM Basics 101: What is Phlegm Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimNovember 21, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, healing, tcm, meditation, digestion, phlegm, dampness
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - White Fungus TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 10, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, white fungus
Acupoint Medicine - Cheng Qi TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimNovember 1, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, acupoint, cheng qi
What is Moxibustion Basics of TCM, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM WellnessXiang Jun LimOctober 29, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Junacupuncture, healing, tcm, moxibustion
TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Broccoli TCM Wellness, TCM(Traditional Chin Med), Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 20, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, broccoli
Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture - Sciatica TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimOctober 17, 2023Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, science, sciatica, low back pain, hip pain