TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Broccoli

TCM Nature: Cooling

TCM Taste: Sweet, bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Urinary bladder


·       Clears Heat

·       Circulates Qi

·       Regulates water circulation  

·       Promotes diuresis

·       Brightens eyes

·       Anti cancer

·       Improves immune system

·       Improves skin health

·       Resets and rebalances hormones

·       Reduces stress and improves mood


The ancient Romans believed that broccoli had a positive influence on the body and mind. In fact, the Latin word for broccoli, “brachium,” means “strong arm,” implicating its perceived strength-giving properties.

The ancient Romans also believed that broccoli is associated with goddess Ceres, who was the goddess of agriculture and fertility. They hence believed that eating broccoli would bring good luck and prosperity.

Broccoli is associated with the heart chakra which is the centre of love and compassion. As broccoli is a symbol of healthy eating, dreaming about broccoli may indicate a desire to improve one’s spiritual well being.


Read about another Blood Nourishing Herb - Cauliflower here.

Read about another dark coloured herb - Black Bean here.