TCM Cooling Foods for Hot Summer
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, all doctors will advise patients to eat warm food. Well, that is because we,
as Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors, love heat! Because heat gives the energy for movements. In other
words, heat and warmth help with circulation. Once circulation is down, that is when all things get stuck
and blocked and illnesses have the chance to brew from there.
However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is also another philosophy we stand by which is to
“conform to the seasons” (顺应四时). This means that in hot summer season, it is actually alright to do
activities and take foods that are cooling for the body to balance the energy out. So I will hereby suggest
some foods that are cooling in nature that you can eat during the hot summer season (but not for long
Cucumber is one of the cooling and soothing
foods to go for especially when we are dealing
with hot summer heat. Cucumber has also long
been used on the skin and eyes to soothe, cool
and reduce inflammation.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cucumber nourishes and cools the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestines and
Bladder. Therefore, it can also help reduce constipation, alleviate dehydration and balance body fluid.
Watermelon is a herb that is Cold in nature that
can clear Heat and purge Fire from the body. In
scientific terms, watermelon can help to eliminate
inflammatory and infectious conditions.
In hot summer weather, heat and toxins tend to build up in the body. Boils, acne, heat stroke,
inflammations, infections are more common during this period of time. It is therefore recommended to
take some watermelon fruit to keep the heat of the body down and detox regularly during this period of
high temperature.
Bitter Melon
Bitter melon or bittergourd is a tropical gourd that
looks lumpy.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bitter melon is
connected to the Heart, Lung, Spleen and Liver. It
cools Summer Heat, clears Liver Heat, cleanses
the Blood, moves Energy and Qi and eliminates
any inflammation in the body.
Due to its multiple medicinal and health benefits, bitter melon is good for treating any stomach disorders,
skin conditions, acne, eczema, sunstroke, headaches, fevers. It can help lower cholesterol and even treat
Bitter melon juice is called Karela juice and is a nutritious beverage for cleansing, detoxification and many
other health benefits.