Women’s Health

As women, we go through stages of life and each stage will involve a significant level of fluctuation in hormones and bodily changes. During the different stages, a certain degree of physical or even emotional and mental discomfort will be experienced by women if their bodies are not well prepared for the changes. The less balanced their bodily systems are to start with, the more discomfort and uneasiness they will feel, some will be so bad that they cannot function properly and normally on a daily basis. Nevertheless, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers solutions to manage the fluctuations and allow women to move through the life stages of the women smoothly and gracefully.

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Sleep and Mental Health Management

Patients battling chronic insomnia can tell you that insufficient or poor quality sleep leads not only to irritability and exhaustion, but also to muscle stiffness, impaired cognitive function, fibromyalgia, and other significant mental health problems. Commonly, Western medicine will search for a physical or emotional problem causing the sleeplessness, but TCM recognizes that insomnia can stem from a fundamental imbalance of energy, or qi. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), sleep is part of the natural rhythm of yin and yang in the body. Yin and yang are opposites: When we sleep, yin is the dominant force in the body. In the day, when we are active, yang dominates. Insomnia is a sign of a disruption to one's natural rhythm of yin and yang.

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Although conventional medicine claims that surgery can be the final solution to some bodily conditions, in actual fact, any kind of surgery is another form of trauma to the body. With any trauma, the body will activate the self protecting and self healing mechanisms by growing fibrous tissues to the area that is torn, even with a scalpel. These fibrous tissues are also known as scarred tissues, which are tougher in texture and more rigid than normal soft tissues. Because of the toughness of scarred tissues, it impedes circulation or flow of any form or energy which can result in stagnations or blockages in the body. With stagnations or blockages, pain or even new problems can be experienced at the area of scarring.

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Hester Aba
Pediatric Massage

Paediatric massage, or tuina, is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy for children. This technique stimulates specific acupressure points of the body that are particularly beneficial for children. It enhances a child’s energy flow (qi) and blood to harmonise the workings of the organs. It helps a child heal, stimulate growth and brain development, and enhance physical fitness and immune system.

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Hester Aba
Pain Management

Pain is widely defined as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described by the patient in terms of such damage." In medical diagnosis, pain is regarded as a symptom of an underlying condition. 

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Xiang Jun Lim
Nervous Systems Disorders Management

Nervous system disorder or neurological disorders can refer to problems or conditions with the nervous system. The nervous system is a complex, sophisticated system that regulates and coordinates the body’s activities. Pain can be experienced in nervous or neurological issues, arising from trauma, inflammation, disease, infection, nerve degeneration, exposure to toxic chemicals and nutrient deficiencies. 

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Xiang Jun Lim
Men’s Health

Similarly to women, men also go through stages of bodily changes throughout their lives and even face hormonal changes as well, a period of time called the andropause. Andropause, otherwise known as the male menopause, is usually triggered by low testosterone or androgen levels, hence decreasing the sex drive and makes one feel moody and weak.

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Hormonal Management

Hormones act upon every single cell in our bodies. For men and women, the impact of hormonal balance is significantly real. They affect our skin, our moods, our menstrual cycle, our libido, our reproductive system, our vitality. When hormones are out of sync, our health suffers in many ways.

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Xiang Jun Lim
Digestive Health

We have often heard people say ‘trust your gut’ when you have doubts on certain people or certain decisions you have to make. In fact, trusting your gut is a more reliable way when you feel like you are at the crossroads in decision making. This is not without its scientific basis.

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Hester Aba