All you need to know about Pelvic Floor and its Dysfunction III: Common Health Issues from Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic floor dysfunction is the inability to correctly relax and coordinate the pelvic floor muscles.
Common issues that can result from the dysfunction:
accidentally leaking urine when you exercise, laugh, cough or sneeze
needing to get to the toilet in a hurry or not making it there in time
constantly needing to go to the toilet
finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel
accidentally losing control of your bladder or bowel
accidentally passing wind
a prolapse
-in women, this may be felt as a bulge in the vagina or a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, pulling, dragging or dropping
-in men, this may be felt as a bulge in the rectum or a feeling of needing to use their bowels but not actually needing to go
pain in your pelvic area
painful sex