All you need to know about Pelvic Floor and its Dysfunction V: Misconceptions of Pelvic Floor Treatments by Conventional Medicines

The solutions to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction by Conventional Medicines are commonly medications and Physical Therapy for strengthening Pelvic Floor muscles which I find it not addressing the problem or in the right direction.

Medications: The medications given to people with Pelvic floor Dysfunction is mainly stool softener and it was the belief that keeping one free from constipation can help with reducing the occurrence of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. But it becomes a chicken and egg cycle where it is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction that can result in constipation and just by addressing the constipation without the focus for the muscles of Pelvic Floor is once again a band-aid short term solution.


Physical Therapy: Physical Therapy are focused on STRENGTHENING of Pelvic Floor Muscles which I find it more of damage than help to most patients with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. A common exercise prescribed for strengthening is Kegel.

Because the Pelvic Floor Muscles are mostly overworked, leading to their flaccidity and dysfunction, the aim is not to further overwork the muscles but to relax them and allow them to heal and regain their muscle tone. Doing more Kegel will lead to more strain on the muscles and no wonder patients will keep going back to their physiotherapists thinking that they need more strengthening to resolve their issues. They have, on fact, got things the wrong way round all together.