Inner Practice: Stop Lying

Let’s admit it.

We are lying everyday.

In order to be socially acceptable, we suppress, reject, deny and disown the aspects that make us vulnerable or get us disapproved of in the world.

We do all these just to FIT IN.

Instead of coming into this world and going through a process of unfolding, where our authenticity is like a pearl inside a lotus, and our growth and development is a progression of exposing that pearl, that magic and that gift of what we are naturally, the process of socialization and stereotypical parenting actually brutally impedes this process of unfolding. 

Instead of a lotus blossoming, we are all looked upon like a piece of raw material to be molded. We are told that that certain things are acceptable and if we are those things, we will be good and be safe. And other things are unacceptable and if we do that, we will be bad and unsafe. So naturally all of these vulnerable aspects of us, anything that might be real about us, that might be unacceptable have to be hidden from view.

And we begin the process of splitting ourselves. We begin the rites of learning to be inauthentic and fake. We lie, we hide, we keep the pearl hidden so as to fit into the world, be loved and feel safe. We become inauthentic, or rather we learn to be inauthentic. And this goes deep into the subconscious.

Authenticity is when your inside matches your outside.

Inauthenticity is the direct opposite.

A wolf in a sheep’s clothing.

When you work at a job you hate and does not match your inner desires for work.

When you say you like someone or acts as if you do, when the truth is you hate them.

When you say you are not artistic because you have to suppress this to be academic.

When you deny how you feel because you have learned certain feelings are unacceptable.

When you care so much about seeing yourself as good that you cannot admit to those aspects that would not be seen as good. 

What is truly scary is most of us are suppressed at a subconscious level, just like the lotus petals covering and hiding the pearl instead of unfolding and blossoming.

We ditch individualization to embrace duplication.

We merely learn to copy the illusion of what we saw as success in others as defined by the society.

While there can be nothing wrong with that and you can live your life as a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, the pain and suffering of being inauthentic far more outweighs the consequences of being authentic.

We go against our values, we sweep things under the rug, we suppress and eat up our own emotions, we fall ill, we become angry and unhappy and we end up waking up everyday asking the purpose of our lives, we zombie our way through life until one day we are on our deathbed questioning ourselves ‘what have I done’.

The process of finding authenticity again is not to be a rebel in the world or to make yourself known to be different for the sake of revolt. The process of finding authenticity is a process of finding your innate essence, following that and sharing with the world.

The process of finding authenticity is a process of awakening.

The pearl within you is too precious.

So stop lying.

The price is too high.