TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Aloe Vera


TCM Nature: Cold

TCM Taste: Bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Liver, Large Intestine, Stomach


·       Clears Heat

·       Cools Liver

·       Purgative and laxative

·       Drains Fire

·       Kills parasites

·       Strengthens the Stomach


In ancient history, illnesses  were regarded as demonic possession of the body and only a divine plant such as Aloe Vera had the natural power to exorcise the demons. It is believed that its presence on a spiritual and energetic level cleanses the surrounding environment from evil spirits.

There are many shamanic uses for Aloe Vera, particularly in Africa, where it is used for protection, good luck, cleansing, spiritual baths, elevating spiritual energy and the making of protective devices.

Aloe Vera’s wild nature is always intact including all its healing properties. Aloe is also known as the “Plant of Eternity”. A common belief was that in stopping the physical decomposition process eternal life could be attained both on a physical and spiritual level.