TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Gingko


TCM Nature: Neutral

TCM Taste: Sweet, bitter, astringent

TCM Meridian Affinity: Kidney, Lung


·       Improves blood circulation to brain

·       Anti depressant

·       Anti stress

·       Expels phlegm and stops wheezing

·       Reduces vaginal discharges and turbid urine

·       Aphrodisiac


Ginkgo is a tree that can survive for 1,000 years or more, making it a true “Tree of Life”. Due to its age, Gingko is considered to be linked to longevity and there is a tradition that is to plant a Ginkgo on the occasion of births to ensure long life and in death to ensure longevity in the peaceful after world.

Ginkgo is also considered an aphrodisiac and fertility herb. One legend has it that if a girl sits under a male Ginkgo tree on a moonlit night, combs her hair and makes a wish, her wish will come true.