Ask Dr Xiang Jun: Is Facial Acupuncture the New Botox? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCM, TCM AestheticsXiang Jun LimAugust 3, 2022Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, stress, tension, facial acupuncture, facial guasha, botox
Ask Dr Xiang Jun: What Are Some Stress Management Tips for Adults? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimAugust 1, 2022Dr (TCM) Xiang Junadrenal fatigue, tcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, headaches, stress, tension, stress management
Checklist for Liver Intoxication TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimJuly 26, 2022Dr (TCM) Xiang Juntcm, acupuncture, herbs, yoga, breathing, traditional chinese medicine, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, liver detox, liver intoxification
Ask Dr Xiang Jun: Can Acupuncture Reduce the Risk of Headaches? TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimJuly 18, 2022Dr (TCM) Xiang Junadrenal fatigue, tcm, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, cravings, headaches, stress, tension, sinus
Checklist for Adrenal Fatigue TCM(Traditional Chin Med), TCM Wellness, TCM and Science, Basics of TCMXiang Jun LimJune 25, 2022Dr (TCM) Xiang Junadrenal fatigue, tcm, acupuncture, herbs, qigong, yoga, breathing, traditional chinese medicine, hormone imbalance, energy, tired, chronic fatigue syndrome, poor sleep, insomnia, cravings, pre menstrual symptoms, irregular periods