Why Is There No Bleeding at Acupuncture Needle Insertion Points

Acupuncture needle insertion points are also known as acupoints and they are points of aggregates of Qi

or energy. For doctors who are highly trained and sensitive, the energy vortices at these points can be felt

easily at the fingertips when the fingers are moved over the acupoints.

In Western science, attempts to find out about acupoints are highly limited to the physical level as science

itself is self-limiting to physical measurements, entities and modalities. Research into the physiological

structures of acupoints have found that most acupoints hold endings of the various important body

systems such as but not limited to vascular, glandular, nervous, endocrinological, immunological systems.

Read more about How TCM works scientifically here.

For bleeding to occur, there needs to be perforation of the veins or vessels of the blood system in the


In acupuncture, the needles do not actually pierce through the veins or vessels but are inserted near to the

endings of the various internal body systems. The purpose is more for stimulation rather than perforation

of the vessels. That is one of the simple explanations of why there is no bleeding at acupuncture needle

insertion points.