Bazi Fengshui Series: What 10 Year Luck Cycle Taught Me

Most people think that Metaphysics, Divination, Reiki, Energy medicine are unscientific and the people who practice them are crazy, superstitious, bonkers.

Being a practitioner myself in Chinese medicine and all forms of Metaphysics yet also Western medicine trained, I see both sides of the world. And I choose to stand on the side of TCM, Metaphysics and Energy medicine. Because in this side of the world exists the most beautiful people with hearts that respect nature of being human, with eyes that can see the pain and suffering beyond the facade, with love that rejoice the happiness of simply being alive.


Most importantly it teaches one to be a better human.


The 10 year luck cycle is just one simple principle in Metaphysics Bazi.

Yet it teaches me that bad times will not last forever. One day things will always change for the better. Keep faith and trust that it will come. Because it will.


The 10 year luck cycle is just one simple guide in Metaphysics Bazi.

Yet it teaches me that good times will also not be infinite. So never be proud and selfish when you are living a comfortable life. Because one day it will end and you may be the one that needs help from those whose pleas are ignored by you.


The 10 year luck cycle is just one simple formula in Metaphysics Bazi.

Yet it teaches me indeed what goes around comes around. Everything goes in cycle. The things that you lost will be returned to you in time. The people you bid goodbye to will cross paths with you again one day.


The 10 year luck cycle teaches me that life is indeed short.

Give it all you have got while you are still here.