Inner Practice: What Is Happening in Your Life Now

What is happening in your life now?

The question is a greeting.

It is also a prompt to come back to the present moment.

It is also a reminder that nothing in life is ever in your control.

It is also a reality check to how much you have outgrown as a control freak to build your self-perceived perfect life.

This is a story of a young gardening attendant tending the beautiful Zen gardens.  This attendant would ensure that every twig and leaf was in its exact place as visitors from all over the world would come to visit these renown and exquisitely arranged gardens. 

One day an older Master came to visit the gardens to discover why this garden was deemed to be the most inspiring.  The old Master hid behind a bush and watched the young attendant pick up every leaf and twig, observe it and then determine if the leaf would be used or disposed of.  The young attendant strategically placed the best leaves back on the ground and prepared to take the rest away.  He was surprised when, after several hours of tending to the garden the old Master stepped out and commended him on his work.  The old Master also mentioned to him that his work was ‘almost perfect’.  The young attendant was filled with self-remonstration and pleaded for compassion from the older Master, who agreed to show him how to create a perfect garden. 

The older Master grabbed the branches of the tree and shook them so vigorously that leaves and twigs fell all over the hours of work and absolute perfection that the young attendant had created.  When no more leaves would fall, he stopped shaking the tree.  The young attendant was horrified as his garden was ruined.  However, with a smile that melts anger the old Master said, “Now your garden is perfect.”


So whatever is happening to your life right now,

Don’t worry,


Everything is out of control.