Scientific Proof to How your Body react to Acupuncture: Celiac Disease

Regular sessions of Acupuncture improve Celiac Disease.

Celiac disease (CD) has become more rampant in the past several decades. The reasons for the

occurrence of celiac disease are multi facet. A theory states that those people who have certain genes

(HLA DQ2 or DQ8) and consume gluten products have a higher chance of developing CD. There are also

triggers for CD such as the type of infant feeding (either formula milk or breast milk), the birth method

(either cesarean or natural birth), age of gluten introduction into diet, season of birth, infections in early

childhood days, family history of autoimmune diseases. Microbiome colonization in the intestine is also

another factor that can either increase or decrease the risk of CD development. This also infers that certain

illnesses that involves frequent antibiotic use can eliminate the naturally occurring GI tract bacteria which

ultimately increases the chances of CD occurrence.

In celiac disease, the body produces antibodies to a kind of wheat protein known as prolamins which exist

also in rye and barley. The prolamins are similar to proteins found on the cell linings of small intestine.

Therefore, the body antibodies will see the small intestine lining cells as foreign as well, and signal the

immune system to attack the lining cells. The small intestine then looses its structure and gaps between

the cells, retains water and absorbs food poorly. This is presented as chronic diarrhea, vitamin

deficiencies, weight loss which may often be misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome, lactose

intolerance and Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis. Other bodily symptoms can include skin rashes, delayed

puberty, muscle aches, arthritis, osteoporosis, infertility, anxiety, headache, seizure, depression. Patients

with celiac disease also have a higher risk of other autoimmune disorders and some cancers.

Western medicine approach to celiac disease management is gluten avoidance diet and vitamin

replacement. This has limited efficacy, considering the level of dependence on

processed/commercialized food products in our modern society today.

As acupuncture is well known for its anti inflammatory effects, it has been shown in scientific reports that

Celiac disease improves with regular acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments.

 The case report was on a 48-year-old woman receiving 3 acupuncture treatments a week for 12 weeks.

After the 12 weeks, during which she was using topical & oral steroids as well, found urticaria &

constipation to be resolved completely, and temporarily relief from heartburn. At the end of the second set

of 12 treatments, the heartburn, headache, and eczema also resolved. By the end of the third set of 12

treatments, all her symptoms remained resolved.

It is important to note that steroid treatment was discontinued after the first 12 treatments, and although

she had used the steroids during the first 12 treatments, prior to acupuncture treatment when they were

used alone there was no improvement in her symptoms. 

In conclusion, acupuncture and diet changes provide relief from symptoms of celiac disease than with a

gluten-free diet alone or steroids alone.

Further reading:

How to Reduce Stomach Bloatedness Naturally

Scientific Proof to how your Body react to Acupuncture - Gastritis

Scientific Proof to how your Body react to Acupuncture - Diabetes