TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Burdock


TCM Nature: Cool

TCM Taste: Acrid, Bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Lung, Stomach


·       Blood cleansing

·       Skin healing

·       Helpful in cell regeneration and treating Crohn’s disease

·       Aids hair growth

·       Moistens intestines

·       Moisturize throat

·      Stimulates appetite and is considered good for treating anorexia nervosa


Native to Europe and parts of Asia, Burdock has been an ingredient in medicinal and brewing recipes since at least medieval times.

Burdock is employed mainly for cleansing and protection. As it is a natural diuretic reputed to cleanse the urine and purify the blood—hence, its use in formulas to “flush out” negativity.