TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Cayenne


TCM Nature: Hot

TCM Taste: Spicy, Pungent

TCM Meridian Affinity: Heart, Spleen, Stomach


·       Warms the body

·       Aids poor digestion

·       Dissipates coldness

·       Promotes circulation of Qi and Blood

·       Stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva


It is said that cayenne pepper when combined with water for fasting, become effective in cleansing the cardiovascular system and seems to expand circulation into all the vital glands and nerves of the cerebrospinal system with pleasant aphrodisiac effects. When combined with breathing exercises, transmutation is greatly enhanced so that the Kundalini energy becomes a flame of bliss and love.

Cayenne can be grown in the garden to deter unwanted spirits and scattered around your house it will break bad spells. It is also added to love potions to insure passion and make encounters “spicy.”

Further reading:

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.