TCM, Science and Healing Series – Intuition
Intuition is the direct perception of truth or fact regardless of any kind of reasoning process. It is the ability to make the right decision with limited information.
A very good example of intuition is when you walk into a dark room but you somehow know that someone is in there, even when you cannot see anything and is not informed that anyone is in the room.
We are all born with this ability, and all of us were highly intuitive as children. But most of us have this intuitive ability interfered by the age of seven, when the frontal lobe reasoning centers come on board and tend to drown out the intuitive voice. The more education we get in this current societal culture, the less we trust our natural intuition. And as our society glorifies mostly logical, rational, left-brain thinking, we are taught to discount other forms of thinking and knowing as primitive or ancient and useless. Therefore our intuitive capacity has become underutilized and even suppressed.
Our society admits that even geniuses among us use only about 25 per cent of their brain capacity. So to use intuition is simply to use more of our intelligence than we are accustomed to using.
Intuition is also the ability to turn inwards and scan your own energy and energy field.
Healers, shamans, ancient doctors have the high sensitivity and ability in their intuition to be able to read another’s energy. Hence to be intuitive can help us detect energy blockages before they become physical. This is the concept of preventive medicine where we rectify illnesses at the energetic level before they turn physical.