Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs to help Boost your Immunity against Viruses and Bacteria

Because of the current situation with Coronavirus and H5N1, it seems like the year of Rat is one that poses a big health challenge for all of us right from the start. Nevertheless, prevention is always better than cure. Keeping high hygiene sanitization standards and masking yourself are only the surface work. Strengthening your immunity is then the key.

So because of my knowledge across various specialties, ancient and modern, and my vigorous prescription of herbs for patients who are looking for prevention measures during this sensitive period of time, I think I can share some of the common herbs that are great for boosting your immunity. But do note that these herbs can work individually but only to a generalized extent. For customized concoction, please still approach a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to cater to your individual body needs.


I will be sharing the herbs in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Western Herbal Supplements, Common Foods and Fruits that can help boost your immunity fast and maintain it for a considerable amount of time.

Read about the Mandarin talk I gave on TCM Immunity Boosting Tips here.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs

1.       Ban Lan Gen-Isatis Root-板蓝根

This herb is commonly used by me to clear heatiness and toxins especially in the lungs and colon. Lungs are the ones attacked by viruses and bacteria most easily and it applies to our currently infamous Mr Coronavirus as well. It is therefore very useful in alleviating sore throat and the upper respiratory tract inflammation issues. So you might like to get that and steep it as a tea if you start feeling scratchiness in your throat.

2.       Yu Xing Cao-Chameleon Plant-鱼腥草

This herb is commonly used in my concoction to clear damp-heatiness aka 湿热 in patient’s condition. It targets the Lung meridian, hence is very useful in strengthening our lungs again against viruses and bacteria. It is especially helpful in clearing pus and phlegm resulted from Lung heatiness in more serious level of inflammation. You can add in one bunch of the dried herb into your brewed soup and get the benefits from this plant.

3.       Zi Su Ye-Perilla Leaf-紫苏叶


This leaf can be found in dried and fresh forms because I bought in in supermarkets before. It has strong toxin clearing properties and works especially well for the Lung and Large Intestine meridians. Like attracts like. Viruses love to find and stick to toxins, so clear your internal poisons and you should be well-immuned against Mr Corona. It is easily obtainable in marts and are made available as Korean kimchi as well =)