Wisdom and Compassion towards Spread of Coronavirus
I was looking at some of the Youtube videos about the novel Coronavirus and it seems it has affected many more areas in the world. I saw one video of how Beijing has also started quarantines and it is almost like a ghost town as well, with all the roads and public transport near to empty amidst a snowing day. I was kind of emotionally affected to see some of the familiar places that I once used to live in when I was studying there, once bustling with life had now become quiet and eerily lifeless.
Contemplating about the situation and chatting with some friends, we realize now that we literally had nowhere to ‘escape’ or take cover. Because the whole world is affected. Literally.
What exactly happened? Why?
We may ask.
To me, the Earth is ill now. Or rather, it has been ill for very long as we have been undergoing major global warming, only to feel the effects sporadically in terms of tsunamis, natural disasters happening at various places. But we didn’t feel it much and we continue to live on as per normal. But now, things have hit us with one common thing: the coronavirus. And it is affecting all humans everywhere at a fast speed. And this we feel and we finally give lots of attention because it is threatening our existence on Earth. Has the circle gone round and come back to us right now? As humans, have we taken so much from Earth that finally the effects are making its return to the takers? This is something I think we as modern human society should contemplate and reflect upon in the midst of fighting against the virus. But is the virus really against us, humans?
Everything is energy. Including viruses and bacteria. So they too want to survive and thrive too, just that they are designed to thrive on human tissues and they want to manifest just like how humans want to leave a legacy behind though our offspring. They simply want to create a virus-kind just like man-kind. But because they can kill us, we see them as enemies. To them, the virus, they are just doing what they can to survive and thrive.
In viewing them as enemies, we have created a lot of measures to stop them from spreading, to kill them though disinfectants, to cover ourselves up so that they cannot come near to us. Which are all correct in combat strategies. But in doing so, we have also created a lot of fear in us. Which can be inevitable as we all see the virus as out to get us and everyday we see more news on its spread, the fear in us start to heighten as well. Already we are going into the modes of wartime rationing with the daily living necessities.
Fear can cause us to become frozen or put us on an anxious and danger mode.
And we start to display signs of fight-or-flight. Biologically and physiologically, our body will start to unconsciously shallow our breaths because we are scared, and we don’t breathe better. We are panicking and worrying unconsciously, injecting ourselves with emotional toxins which can manifest into real physical toxins that can increase chances of inflammation in our body. With that, immunity in us will start to drop as we don’t breathe well enough oxygen through fear striken lungs and toxins accumulate in us through stress, worry and fear created in our very own minds.
I think this spread of the coronavirus is trying to tell mankind something. There is a message that it carries as it is happening at a global scale and till now it has no signs of stopping. Before we have that figured out, what attitude should we take to face this spread of the virus? Can we see beyond?
Although I mentioned above that the virus is just doing all it can to survive, it should not be the case that then we should allow it to continue spreading in the name of compassion and kindness. That will be plain stupidity and naivety.
By wisdom, I meant that we should be wise enough to really do all we can to contain it and let it cease and return to earth when the time comes. In the meantime, all the measures of avoiding crowded places, keeping hands sanitized and avoid rubbing the facial mucosa should be heeded.
The analogy is we are facing a homeless man who intrude into our homes because he wants food and shelter and wants to survive, but his intention is not to hurt. But to the homeowner, the homeless man is a threat as he jeopardises the integrity of his home. So we want to keep the homeless man out and not allow him to step all over the homeowner and eventually take over the home. The actions to take: the homeowner got to strengthen the measures and defense of the home so there is no chance for the homeless man to intrude.
Same with the virus.
As I said, the virus does not have a conscious mind with the intention to kill and hurt. It is just doing its job to survive but its mode of survival is to take over the human host, which means the human has to give up his life in exchange. To the human, we see the virus as a killer. To the virus, it is just trying to survive and thrive.
So disregarding how it leaked into the world or is born through artificial design, it has started to make its presence known at a fast rate and it wants to flourish too, just like any life forms. It is a Nature Cycle of Life. Humans are now the prey and the virus is the predator.
And of course humans do not like that idea at all, and being the highest intelligent being in the animal kingdom, we have created and developed so many strategies to upkeep the survival of our race and also the flourishment of it, even at the expense of Mother Nature. As long as it benefits ourselves, we simply give ourselves the right to continue taking without any limitations. Because we only see ourselves in the entire world, in the galaxy, in the Universe.
The spread of the virus is reminding us otherwise.
As mentioned above, fear will only make us more susceptible to being taken over by the virus. We can mask ourselves, washed our hands, avoid crowded places, stay sanitized, but all of these are only prevention on the outside. We need to realise that we need to keep our own body strong.
Disinfection is not to simply kill the virus, because it is still thriving and it can be airborne. It is not so simple. The disinfection that we do is more of to upkeep our weak immune system from getting weaker from other bacteria and germs already present around us. Because that’s when the virus can hang on to your body without having to fight the immune defense. And as I said, fear can weaken the immunity.
So more of holding the attitude of fighting against the virus and killing it, we need to work on ourselves, our body and mind.
Compassion is the antidote to that. Not for the virus sake. For our sake.
1. Stop the killing and fighting mindset because that creates tension in our mental and physical arena. Instead when you disinfect, tell yourself you are creating a space to hold yourself in a clean environment and body so that your immunity can step up. You don’t need to kill and fight to stop someone, you just need to strengthen yourself up.
2. When you use wisdom to keep up the safety hygiene measures, tell yourself you are doing it as so that others can share a clean environment as well. When you do it not just for yourself, you are more empowered and you feel stronger, in the mind and naturally in the body.
3. Reflect on how Mother Nature has taken care of the mankind for millions of years maybe. Have compassion and gratitude for how Earth has supported and provided for us.
Send a positive thought and give thanks to Nature. Thoughts are energy. There are 8 billion people on Earth, if everyone does that, what do you think can happen?
Further reading: