Bazi Fengshui Series: Geng Metal Element Daymaster
General Characteristics of Geng Metal
Geng Metal people are people with a lot of perseverance in which the more experiences they go through, the better they become. They uphold justice and have a strong sense of righteousness. They are also loyal friends that others can turn to.
However they can sometimes be hasty in their decisions. So to achieve great results in life, they need to focus just as an axe needs to know where to aim to down a tree.
Geng metal people also have a sense of pride as they are not people who like to fail when they strike. They always like to win and in the process of winning, they sometimes miss out the small details.
When polished, a sword will look cool and sharp however when you throw it into the fire, it will starts to grow red and lose its edges. Geng metal people often lose their rationality when emotional.
Classic Texts about Geng Metal
Discovered deep inside the mountain’s protection,
Raw precious minerals, hidden away.
Or else, when melted and reformed,
You transform into a deadly sword’s blade or an ordinary man’s machine.
Giving the mountain is richness and value,
Nature’s timeless gift.
When transformed, modern agriculture portrays,
Cutting wood, clearing forests, pruning wild plants,
and machines that never stop.
In life, there is none more hard-working than yourself,
Never-ending persistence to reach the goal.
A realistic view and rarely changing tides,
You are the one to handle any pressure that may come
A rare find, any team may wish for your support
As you are the one to bring it to the end.
Health of geng metal
Geng Metal people need to watch out for organs and body parts such as large intestine, navel, bones and skin.
When a Geng Metal person is balanced, the person can expect to have a healthy large intestine and circulatory system.
When there is excessive Geng Metal energy, the person can experience constipation, dry skin or weakness in the immune system.
A deficient Geng Metal may reveal itself as poor Qi circulation and problems in the large intestines, bones and skins.
Solutions to balance geng metal Daymaster element
Geng Metal individuals need to do detox regularly so as to keep their large intestines and bowel movement well. Detoxes can come in the form of herbal detox, water fasting or regular exercises.
Acupuncture along the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians will treat the imbalance of the Geng Metal individual. Acupoint Chi Ze (LU 5) found on the Lung Meridien is a common acupoint used to balance Geng Metal element.
Herbal medicines such as white fungus, China barley has meridian affinity Lungs and Large Intestine and can help to rebalance the imbalance in Geng Metal individual.
Bazi analysis
Analysis of the entire natal chart of a person can reveal what other elements in the chart that can help to adjust the temperature or in other words balance the elemental constitution of the person. Yearly, monthly and even daily analysis of the interaction of the natal bodily elements with the environmental elemental changes can give profound awareness of how to ride on the right timing to balance the person through behaviours, activities, acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments.
Read more about Jia Wood Daymaster Element here.
Read more about Yi Wood Daymaster Element here.
Read more about Bing Fire Daymaster Element here.
Read more about Ding Fire Daymaster Element here.
Read more about Wu Earth Daymaster Element here.
Read more about Ji Earth Daymaster here.
Read more about Xin Metal Daymaster here.
Read more about Gui Water Daymaster here.
Read more about Lidong and Start of Period 9