Inner Practice: Because I'm Worth It

Worth is abstract. Value is subjective.

Worth and value are both inherent in all things yet you cannot objectively determine the value of something.

Worth and value are variable, conditional, illogical, and dependent upon circumstances and people.

Worth has no basis in reality because it’s entirely subjective. Value is entirely conditional dependent based on needs.  

The quality of being present is worthless in a society that values doing. The quality of external beauty is worthless in a society for the blind. The quality of being artistic is unappreciated and undervalued in a family that values academic intellect and vice versa.

To have something of value, to have someone of value in a place where people don’t have the needs or see the value of that something or someone, is a deep mismatch often leading to tragedies.

The people who don’t have the needs are not going to know how to treat the valuable thing or person because they don’t know the value of it and they will abuse or even ignore the presence of the valuable thing or person. It’s like giving a Berkin bag to a crackhead. They are going to treat the Berkin bag like a trash bag or dump it somewhere where they can forget about it.

And the most dangerous and tragic thing that can happen to people who are not valued due to the mismatch is that they cannot see their own worth accurately, making them question themselves, feeling worthless, feeling not worth fighting for, feeling not worth the effort.

Just because someone or some place or society couldn’t hold onto you or rise to the occasion to be good enough for you is one way you can misread the situation and make it all about you. If you know someone or some place is not up to your standards, it is pointless and impossible to ask them to change to be that. It is a much better strategy to find someone or some place who has a need that is compatible to you.

If value were entirely based on needs, the most important question to ask yourself is:

Who needs me?

Where needs me?