Inner Practice: This Season

If always living in the past is depression.

If always living in the future is anxiety.

Then I implore you to live in the moment.


And we do this way more than we think we do it.


A lot of the symptoms of not feeling correct and right in your body are from you wishing away the season that you are in.


When it is winter, we wish for summer. I can’t wait for the weather to be hotter, I can’t wait to just go to the beach. I can’t wait to go on my holiday.


When it is summer, we wish for winter. I miss Christmas. I miss time with my family, I miss the times we could get cozy.


It happens in life too.


When we are child, we want to grow up. We just want to grow up.

When we are older, we wish we could have our youth back.


Many things that make us feel misplaced are due to a lack of gratitude for the moment we have now.

Escapism from whatever we are trying to get away, through trying to do the other thing that we are not doing in the moment is what causes us the discomfort and the pain that we face.

We are always looking forward to the next thing.


Yet the only way to get to the next thing successfully and the only way to achieve what we want in life is to have gratitude for what we have now.


All the dots will make sense eventually.


Everything has a season.

Stop wishing that winter was summer and summer was winter. Don’t wish seasons in life away. Everything has a beautiful symbiotic balance, even hard times.


The best way to get to the next season is to be fully in the season you are now in. And the best way to make the most out of the season that is coming up is to fully understand that the next season will be brighter than the one prior to it only via one thing and only on one condition and that is you make the time you are in now, the season you are in now the best.


If it is winter, make sure it is magic. Make sure it is Christmas, make sure it is everything.

If it is summer, look out at the blue sky, breathe in the summer air, enjoy it.


If you are right now feeling like you are striving to be in a different version of you, know that there is only one time that you will be in this season that you are in.

Even if it is painful, if you can find the gratitude, even in the smallest minutia, even in the tiniest thing, the universe will repay you.

And more incredible things will gravitate towards you.