Ask Dr Xiang Jun: What to Do for Summer Solstice

We are now in the solar term of Summer Solstice which marks the half point mark of the year.

The Summer Solstice marks an important time in the Chinese calendar, which signals the beginning of summer and the heightening of Yang energy.

What should we do from a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view during Summer Solstice?

Foods to take during Summer Solstice

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yang energy is heightened during the Summer Solstice. Therefore it is important to maintain the balance of Yin and Yang energy during this period to avoid being destabilized by too much Yang energy.

Read my other article on What is Pu Zua Dialect term for Heatiness.

Foods that are encouraged to take during this period has the property of reducing the internal heatiness of the body. Below are some examples of foods taken during the Summer Solstice according to traditional customs.


In China, there is a saying “冬至饺子夏至面” which means Winter Solstice eat dumplings, Summer Solstice eat noodles.

Any type of noodles can be eaten during the Summer Solstice but the more popular type of noodle dish that can be eaten during the Solstice is Cold Sesame Oil Noodles which are believed to nourish the Yin energy and prevent Yang energy from being too excessive in the body.

Pea Cake

Eating pea cake is a custom mainly in Nanjing. Pea cakes have a subtle sweet taste that is refreshing and light for the summer months. Not only are they believed to clear internal body heat but also they are a symbol of auspiciousness.

Summer Solstice Eggs

Taking Summer Solstice Eggs is a custom mainly practiced in Hunan. The eggs are hard boiled first and had their shells removed. They are then put into a jujube soup. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, eating these eggs can retain the Yin energy of the body and help resist the heatiness of the weather.


Sleep Patterns during Summer Solstice

During the summer solstice, people are traditionally encouraged to sleep late and wake up early, before taking an afternoon nap to energize themselves. It’s also said to be best to avoid being outdoors during the hottest hours of the day.

Exercise during Summer Solstice

During the summer solstice, it is encouraged to only exercise early in the morning or late at evening. Exercise intensity should be light, therefore taichi, qigong, walking, and slow jogs are recommended. Such exercises should best be done in nature near to rivers or parks where fresh air is ample.

Intensive exercise that results in excessive sweating is discouraged as that can hurt the Yin energy of the body and increase the chances of heat stroke.

Acupuncture during Summer Solstice

Acupuncture with the right techniques during Summer Solstice are encouraged as it can nourish the Yin energy and dispel the excessive Yang energy of the body.

Common acupoints used for balancing the Yin and Yang energy of the body during Summer Solstice are Chi Ze 尺泽, Xing Jian 行间, Da Zhui 大椎.

Herbal medicines during the Summer Solstice

Certain herbs that can help nourish Yin are often encouraged during this season.

A herbal soup popular in the Canton region is specifically made up of these herbs to alleviate the heat in the body.

The soup is called Qing Bu Liang Tang which contains the herbs namely gorgon fruit, jujube fruit, lotus seeds, mung beans and Chinese barley.

Read more about TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription on my TCM Wellness page.