Acupoint Medicine - Da Zhui


English name/meaning: Central Reunion or Great Hammer
Chinese name: Da Zhui
Chinese pinyin:  大椎



The acupoint is on the midline of the base of the neck, at the depression below the 7th cervical vertebra.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits:

  • Enhances Qi and Blood circulation to the neck and head

  • Clears brain

  • Calms Spirit

  • Expel Heat and Wind

  • Tonifies Yang

Scientific Benefits:

  • Increases white blood cell production

  • Treats neck pain and stiffness

  • Relieves heat and toxins in febrile and blood diseases

  • Treats mental illnesses such as psychosis, schizophrenia

  • Treats nervous system disorders such as epilepsy and seizures

  • Clears eczema

  • Purge toxins from lungs

  • Lowers levels of depression, anxiety and stress

  • Improves brain functions and prevents dementia

Spirituality Fact:

Da Zhui is the point of the greatest Yang in the body. Any form of Yang deficiency such as low energy, poor metabolism can be rectified by stimulating Da Zhui. Any form of Yang excessiveness such as fever, acne can also be treated by rightly stimulating Da Zhui.

Da Zhui is the crossroad where the arms are connected to the spine. This is where we stretch out and reach out to others for help and attainment of our dreams. When Da Zhui is blocked, the person can display imbalances in the form of stubbornness and not asking for help even when one is overloaded or overwhelmed.

Read more about acupoint medicine Danzhong, Tong Zi Liao, Di Cang, Yin Tang, Cheng Qi, Jian Zhen, Hou Xi, Tian Tu, Zu San Li, Ba Xie, Ba Feng , Ye Men, Tai Chong, Dai Mai, Lao Gong, Zhao Hai, Si Bai, Ting Gong, Shao Ze here.