Acupoint Medicine - Ye Men


English name/meaning: Humor Gate
Chinese name: Ye Men
Chinese pinyin: 液门



Proximal to the margin of the web between the ring and the little fingers, in a depression when fist is clenched at the border of the red and white skin.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits:

  • Disperses Upper Jiao Heat

  • Calms Spirit

  • Nourishes Yin

  • Uplifts energy and alleviates fatigue

Scientific Benefits:

  • Benefits ears

  • Treats sudden deafness

  • Clears redness and dryness of eyes

  • Relieves headaches

  • Treats Colds and Flus

  • Treats malaria

  • Alleviates pain in the arm and neck

Spirituality Fact:

Ye Men belongs to a group of acupoints known as the Ying-Spring acupoints. Ying-Spring points are where the qi dribbles down the meridian. Ying-Spring points are indicated for heat in the body and changes in the complexion. Ying-Spring points are known to clear heat from the meridian.

Frequent massaging of this point can help to nourish Yin, clears any heat and keeps the moisture of the body. As it can nourish moisture and clears Heat, it can help keep the skin supple and have anti-aging effects.

Read more about acupoint medicine Danzhong, Tong Zi Liao, Di Cang, Yin Tang, Cheng Qi, Jian Zhen, Hou Xi, Tian Tu, Zu San Li, Da Zhui , Ba Xie, Ba Feng, Tai Chong, Dai Mai here.