Acupoint Medicine - Tong Zi Liao GB 1


English name/ meaning: Pupil Crevice
Chinese name: Tong Zi Liao
Chinese pinyin:  童子髎



The acupoint is level with the pupil and located in the foramen or hole of the outer corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits:

- Eliminates Wind and Heat from the face and eyes such as painful, red itchy eyes, dry eyes, burning eyes, eye floaters

-Clears paths of the channel such as head region and alleviate headache behind eyes, eye pain and migraines  

-Improves vision

Scientific Benefits:

-Helps alleviate pain in the eyes

-Treats cataracts

-Improves vision

-Treats night blindness and cloudiness of cornea (optic neuritis, retinitis, retinal atrophy)

-Relieves headaches and migraines

-Treats Bell’s Palsy and deviation of mouth and eye


Spirituality Fact:

Tong Zi Liao is an acupoint that is located where tears usually roll down and is a hole or foramen to contain emotions found in tears.

As Tong Zi Liao is the first point on the Gallbladder meridian which is related to emotions such as anger, rage, fury, aggravation, it is a point which can soothe such extreme emotions. As such it promotes self love and compassion at the same time.