Men's Health Series: How Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture treat Pornography Addiction

Porn addiction refers to an emotional dependence on pornography that interferes with daily life, relationships, and even the ability to function. A person may become dissatisfied with their own sex life or engage in risky behaviors, such as using porn at work.

This type of addiction may be quite common. Some doctors consider porn addiction to be part of a hypersexual disorder which is a term that includes behaviors such as excessive masturbation.

Signs of Pornography Addiction

Porn addiction remains a controversial issue, with some research suggesting that it is not a real condition at all, but that it has the potential to become a real problem, depending on the person’s viewpoint or their partner’s.

Some indications that pornography may be causing a problem include:

  • A person’s sex life becomes less satisfying.

  • Pornography causes relationship issues or makes a person feel less satisfied with their partner.

  • A person engages in risky behavior to view pornography, such as doing so at work.

  • They ignore other responsibilities to view pornography.

  • They view progressively more extreme pornography to get the same release that less extreme porn once offered.

  • They feel frustrated or ashamed after viewing porn but continue to do so.

  • They want to stop using pornography but feel unable to do so.

  • They spend large sums of money on pornography, possibly at the expense of daily or family necessities.

  • They use pornography to cope with sadness, anxietyinsomnia, or other mental health issues.


Biomechanism of Pornography Addiction

An addiction is a medical condition that changes the brain and the body and causes the person to feel compelled to continue using a substance or partaking in an activity, even when doing so may cause harm.

Addiction activates regions in the brain associated with motivation and reward by altering the body’s dopamine system. Addiction gradually changes other aspects of the brain, making it increasingly difficult for the person to avoid the addictive substance or behavior.

When a person with addiction initially uses the substance or engages in the behavior, they receive an intense rush of dopamine, causing feelings of pleasure and reward. Over time, the body may produce less dopamine and rely on the substance or behavior to feel the dopamine rush.

Pornography activates the dopamine system, potentially leading to addiction.

Causes of Pornography Addiction

  • Underlying mental health conditions: Pornography may be used to escape psychological distress.

  • Relationship problems: Pornography can be an outlet for sexual dissatisfaction.

  • Unhealthy cultural norms: Ideas about how people should look and behave during sex, the types of sex and other norms may draw some people to pornography.

  • Biological causes: Certain biological factors, such as changes in brain chemistry when a person views porn, may increase the risk of addiction.

Treatment of Pornography Addiction

Research does not support any specific treatment for pornography addiction.

This is because many researchers do not believe that pornography addiction is a real medical condition and that no treatment is necessary.

Some people seeking treatment for pornography addiction may instead benefit from addressing other issues, such as relationship problems, sexual shame, or depression.


The World Health Organization has agreed that acupuncture has a therapeutic effect on dependence of tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, opium and also sex. A large number of clinical trials have proved the definite effect of acupuncture on neuropsychiatric disorders including addictions.

Acupuncture for pornography addiction works more on managing the addiction rather than the subject of addiction. It is found that acupuncture works on the central nervous system and the endocrine system to reduce stress, encourage endorphin production and balance neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which are involved in the brain processes that make certain substances so addictive. Read more about how TCM works scientifically here.

Read more on how TCM and Acupuncture treat Men’s Health Infertility, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Blood Urine, Men’s Menopause

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