Inner Practice: Real Beauty
In the patriarchal structure the only currency and power that women have actually held or that we have believed we've held has been our youth and our beauty and so we are holding on to it with such a tight grip because the belief is if those things fade we somehow will not be worthy, we will not be chosen, we could lose love, we have nobody to want us or our voice does not matter because we have built and structured our lives around a faulty belief system that was built by men.
Yet we might look on the outside fabulous in all of the ways - the right lipstick shade, the right outfit, the wrinkle free face, the done-up hair but on the inside we are insecure and ungrounded. That shell that the patriarchal belief system has taught us is performative, transactional and not true beauty. Because there is nothing quite as sensual as a woman who is raw and in her body and connected to her soul.
In fact the way how a woman look is the least interesting thing about her. It is everything inside that is so fascinating.
Here I will redefine beauty and share some tips from my expertise on how to ACTUALLY be beautiful (or handsome for our male counterparts).
1. Eyes: Look at nature beauty (sunrise, sunset, flowers, greeneries, natural formations) rather than social medias.
Look for the good in people and situations. They are always there no matter how grave the person or condition appears to be. Look beyond surface level beauty but the beauty in the heart of others when they were just born.
See also Facial Guasha for Eyes
2. Nose: Breathe in fresh air rather than air conditioned and narcotics contaminated one. Be secure and open enough to breathe to your core, not just surface touch-and-go at the top of your chest. You are deeper as a person than you thought.
See also Facial Guasha for Nose
3. Ears: Listen to words of the wise and truth. They nourish your kidneys, soul and mind. Avoid listening to violence and fake media.
4. Mouth: Praise often and speak truths. Avoid criticism, gossips and useless talks. Your voice will become sweet like honey and your words will be valued as gold.
See also Facial Guasha for Lips
5. Heart: Fill it with good happy thoughts. Be imaginative, childish and alive. It will naturally anti-age you.
6. Skin: minimize and simplify skin care products and routines. If you have done the above, the skin will glow and shine naturally which no skin care can achieve.
7. Body: Revere your body as a miracle rather than berate it. Honor the lines on your faces that moulded you into who you are today rather than sulking and rushing to sandpaper them away with the latest technology sold to you by the corroding society.
8. Mind: Stop looking out, start looking in. Everything you need is inside.
Further Reading:
If You are Having a Hard Time Now
If You Are Having a Hard Time Now
Spirituality is Physics, Acupuncture is Science
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Holistic Treatments for High Functioning Anxiety
The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side
Everything you need to know about Acupuncture
Testimonial for Sleep Improvement
Facial Acupuncture - How to differentiate the real deal from the fakers