TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Frankincense

TCM Nature: Warm

TCM Taste: Acrid, Bitter

TCM Meridian Affinity: Heart, Liver, Spleen



·       Heals injuries and pains

·       Relieves postpartum abdominal pain

·       Heals acne, sore mouths and gums

·       Relieves rigidity and spasms

·       Generate flesh

·       Treats leprosy

·       Sooths bronchitis and laryngitis

·       Treats bloating and expels gas from stomach and intestines

·       Treats breast, gastric, liver, and other cancers


Frankincense has long been used by many cultures to open the mind and soul to the eternal and to god.

The Romans burned it for all kinds of ceremonies, civil and sacred.

In China, frankincense is used in incense for ceremonies to mourn the dead, which gives it another name of “calling back the soul fragrance.”