TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Prunes
TCM Nature: Cooling
TCM Taste: Sweet, sour
TCM Meridian Affinity: Stomach, Urinary bladder, Liver, Spleen, Large Intestine
· Aids digestion and prevents constipation
· Tonifies Yin
· Clears heat
· Circulates Qi
· Lowers hypertension
· Good source of potassium and fibre
· Regulates water
· Resolves water retentions
· Reduces cholesterol levels
· Builds bones
· Lowers blood pressure
· Aids weight loss
· Aids vision and immunity
Read another Kidney Nourishing herb Black Sesame here.
Certainly plums and prunes were known to the Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians as evidenced by findings in tombs and a clay tablet from 2150 BC which describes a poultice made from a concoction of ingredients which includes prunes.
Prunes were highly regarded as aphrodisiacs in Elizabethan times that they were served free in brothels.