TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Pumpkin
TCM Nature: Cooling
TCM Taste: Sweet
TCM Meridian Affinity: Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine
Replenishes Qi and improves circulation
Resolves toxins and expels worms
Disperses Cold
Clears dampness and phlegm
Treats eczema
Promotes lactation
Relieves pain
Read about What is Dampness here.
In China, the pumpkin is a symbol of harvest, prosperity and fruitfulness. Enjoyed during the Chinese New Year celebrations it is a symbol of health, happiness, and prosperity.
Pumpkins are carved to celebrate All Souls Day or Halloween by the Irish. It is said that scary faces are carved into pumpkins to ward off evil spirits. Because of this, carved pumpkins are often associated with protection and dispelling negative energy.
In Biblical times, pumpkins were used to symbolize the bounty of God’s gifts.