Inner Practice: Trauma is your Expansion

In life when you have been through certain traumas or hardships, trying to live a normal or simple and balanced life is going to burn you out quick and it is going to make you question yourself. Because daily tasks, daily simple things you need to do just to survive as a normal human being starts to feel like a big challenge. Once there is no bad things happening in your life,  you will start to feel like you are weak and you will question yourself when life is just simple.

You are meant for a lot more with what you are currently living and what you are currently doing. You are meant to have a big shift and a big change.

You are not weak, you are not crazy. The level of strength that you have from going through trauma is not normal. It is just not being utilized.

Potentials and Capabilities

The whole thing about potential of what you are and what you can do in this life is constantly raising. You don’t have one potential and one purpose in this life. It constantly grows and changes, the more you experience and the more your capabilities grow, the more your potentials grow. Because the more capabilities you have, the stronger you get, the smarter you get, the more capable you are of achieving more things. Your potential is constantly growing and changing. But this works both ways.


Trauma does this and increases your capabilities. And so do achievements and success. Because when you go through certain traumas, you get good at handling a lot of things, your body is used to and prepared for a lot of different types of stress, extreme amounts of stress, pressures most people cannot handle when you go through traumatic episodes and have bad things happen to you and you undergoing hardships in life. It fully moulds your character and increases your threshold of things you can survive and handle and go through and it also changes the way your brain works.


But the biggest thing is it instills in you a lot of skills, and these are skills of very high level, depending on what you have been through. Same thing with achievement, when you achieve a lot of things, it makes you capable of a lot more, it makes you capabilities rise, your skills rise, your idea and perception of what is possible changes. Same thing with trauma. But just from a different angle.

Read about my Tension Release & Trauma Healing and Mantra Healings here.