TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Blueberry

TCM Nature: Cooling

TCM Taste: Sour

TCM Meridian Affinity: Lung, Spleen, Stomach


·       Nourishes Yin

·       Clears heat

·       Nourishes Blood

·       Purifies Blood and eliminates toxins

·       Removes damp heat of summer

·       Lowers blood cholesterol and lipid levels

·       Improves cognition by protecting the brain from oxidative stress

·       Supports cardiovascular system


Blue is universally associated with tranquility, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. Consuming blueberries or using them often can help foster a sense of inner calmness and open pathways to higher realms of consciousness.

Blueberries are seen as symbols of abundance and prosperity.

When a blueberry bush is in full bloom, it is a sight to behold and it reminds us of the plentiful gifts nature has to offer. This mirroring of nature’s abundance is a spiritual metaphor for the prosperity that can flourish in our own lives when we cultivate a rich and fertile inner landscape. Moreover, blueberries, with their sweet and nutritious offerings, also signify the rewards and blessings we receive when we give freely and share our resources with others.

Blueberries hold a spiritual significance as symbols of protection and safety. Blueberries’ robust nature and ability to thrive in harsh conditions symbolize resilience and the ability to remain secure, even in the face of adversity.

The blueberry carries the spiritual significance of youthfulness and vitality.

Their deep blue color is often associated with the third eye chakra, which represents intuition, foresight, and spiritual awareness in many spiritual traditions.