TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Chinese Yam

TCM Nature: Neutral

TCM Taste: Sweet

TCM Meridian Affinity: Kidney, Spleen, Lung



·       Aids digestion

·       Alleviates cough

·       Improves men fertility and women fertility

·       Lowers blood sugar and treats diabetes

·       Tonifies and supports Spleen and Stomach

·    Clears dampness and dampness heat

·       Nourishes blood

·       Calms nerves and improves awareness

·       Prevents cardiovascular problems

·       Contains diosgenin that is used to produce the steroids estrogen and progesterone in the laboratory


Chinese yam is also known as the “fairy food” in China for its congenital and tonic abilities.


In many parts of the world, yam is a symbol of abundance and fertility.


In Chinese and Japanese cultures, yam is a symbol for longevity.


The yam plant is also a symbol of transformation due to its association with the changing seasons.