Women’s Health Series: TCM Pulse Taking Can Detect Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is a common condition faced by many women these days. It almost seems as if one is the black sheep if she is hormonally balanced in this current times.

In normal circumstances, hormonal changes can only be detected by Western Medical blood tests to see which hormones are out of the standard guidelines.

However Traditional Chinese Medicine holds the beauty of detecting hormonal changes without even having to go through blood tests. Rather the sensitivity and skillfulness of the TCM doctor can predetermine if one is balanced or not. In my practice, one of the many diagnostic methods is Pulse Taking. And throughout my years of practice, 4 out of 10 ladies are imbalanced and the age is getting younger over time.



Because the hormone system is such a delicate and intricate system of the human body, the subtle changes when the system is tilted off balance can therefore be detected by the highly sensitive art of Pulse Taking diagnosis in TCM which is a skill easy to learn by many but few can master.

One of the benefits of using TCM Pulse Taking to detect hormonal imbalance is that it can catch the imbalance before one is officially diagnosed according to standard blood test protocols. In my practice I can even tell my patients which organ system has been affected most from the hard-to-detect imbalances. Thereafter holistic methods such as herbs and acupuncture that does not involve artificial hormones or steroids can be used to help balance the system out once the misalignment is detected.  Read how TCM and Acupuncture treat PMS here.

Be amazed at what the skills and knowledge passed down over thousands of years can do.