TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Watercress

TCM Nature: Cool

TCM Taste: Slight bitter, pungent

TCM Meridian Affinity: Spleen, Lung, Stomach, Small Intestines, Liver


·       Cleanse body fluids

·       Nourish body fluids

·       Anabolic Blood builder

·       Promotes Qi flow

·       Supports Liver and Stomach

·       Expels Dampness and Phlegm

·       Supports skin health

·       Recover for physical and emotional fatigue


It was believed that the smell of watercress could ward snakes and counter the poison of scorpion venom. Persians believed that watercress had strengthening qualities and are given to children for their improved growth. Watercress was also given to soldiers to improve their strength and stamina. Greeks believed that watercress helped with brain work and nourishment of the nervous system.

Watercress was well known to purify blood and are often eaten in the spring time of the year.


Read and understand more on TCM Herbal Medicine Prescription in my Services.

Further reading:

Everything you need to know about Acupuncture

Scientific Proof to How Your Body React to Acupuncture - Weight Loss

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How TCM works scientifically

Men’s Health Series: Which is the Better Way to Treat Prostatitis - TCM or Western Medicine?

How do Acupuncture and Acupressure work and which is the Better One

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