TCM Basics 101: Supermarket Herbs - Avocado
TCM Nature: Cooling
TCM Taste: Sweet
TCM Meridian Affinity: Large intestine, Liver, Lung, Stomach
· Tonifies Blood and Yin
· Moistens intestines
· Resolves dryness
· Reduces inflammation
· Supports reproductive hormone production
· Maintains heart health
· Regulates cholesterol level
· Aids healthy vision
· Prevents osteoporosis
· Regulates mood, sleep, appetite
· Improves digestion
The Aztecs discovered the avocado and considered it an aphrodisiac. Today, it's often seen as a symbol of love and fertility. In Columbia a potential husband will bring a pair of avocados for his wife as a symbol of love. They closely resemble the testicles and are seen as a gesture of fertility.
An avocado seed can represent a time of loss of hope or doubt in God. It can also represent a place of unforgiveness towards oneself or others. Some say that an avocado has a solid spiritual center.